Red Brick - ESPRESSO - 350G

Red Brick - ESPRESSO - 350G


As the crops change, so do the components of Red Brick, highlighting harvest cycles and celebrating the seasonality of coffee. Squaremile have combined the great fruit qualities from each component, and allowed the sweetness to shine.

We hope you enjoy it! Its ideally suited for espresso, moka pots or for those who perhaps enjoy a filter coffee with milk.

TASTE: Chocolate, Orange, Almond, Creamy

ORIGIN: 50% Peru : 50% Colombia

PROCESS: Washed : Washed


A new Red Brick blend for the new year, Peru and Colombia come together in perfect harmony with El Pato from Cajamarca and Colombian newcomer Magdalena from Pitalito, Huila.

Although a new component, Magdalena traces back to the starting point of our partnership with Caravela for Red Brick. After sourcing Red Brick components, specifically La Serranía, from this region for years, we teamed up with Caravela to help identify a group of producer partners with whom we could work directly, and some of the same farmers from Serrania are delivering into this lot. Sweet and full of citric flavours, Magdalena shines alongside the deep creamy chocolate expression of El Pato.

A micro-regional blend, this year's lot of El Pato comprises the harvests of small-scale farmers from villages in the Tabaconas area. After a great success last year, the tasty as-ever El Pato is back to bring tons of texture to this blend. Reminding us of chocolate-drizzled orange and almond cake, you know what they say: a shot of Red Brick a day makes a happier you.

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Sweet Shop - ESPRESSO - 350g

Coffee Hamper | Filter | 3 bags ZL2A0530 copy.jpg

Coffee Hamper | Filter | 3 bags


Mella Blend - ESPRESSO
